Friday, December 7, 2012

The Friendzone

Let's talk about the friendzone. Yes, this wonderful, half-assed, outside-looking-in place. We've all been there. Well, most of us. Maybe not you people who belong to that little exclusive group that's never been friendzoned by anybody (the rest of us kind of hate you, by the way), but most of us. What's the friendzone?, you people may ask. Well, kiddies, I'll tell you. The Friendzone is a metaphorial place where you're practically BFFs with a person you're in love with, because the person in question put you there, because they somehow forgot that it breaks your heart. But they do it because you're so awesome, and I really like you. You're a great friend! We've all heard that at some point, right?

The thing is, though, you pretty much only ever hear about guys ending up in the friendzone. What about the girls? What, we're never friendzoned, just 'cause we have boobs? Bullshit. Let me tell you something. You know how girls always seem to say that they want a guy who's sweet, sensitive, funny and who they have stuff in common with? Yeah, those guys almost always get friendzoned (sadly), at least by those girls. But think about it! You know how guys say that they want a girl who's funny, smart, geeky, likes video games/cool movies, who isn't afraid to speak her mind about things, and who isn't afraid of embarrassing herself all the time? Yes. We're the ones who get friendzoned.

Personally, I've always had a lot of guy friends, and I know how easily they seem to get over the fact that you have boobs and belong to the opposite sex, if you act the way mentioned here above. They like it and think it's cool at first. Oh, she likes geeky things and action movies and she's funny and really smart, and she likes having lightsaber fights! Yeah. They get over it after a couple of weeks. Then, you turn into a guy. Suddenly, it's like you slowly start morphing into a creature with a penis, and they forget that you're actually a girl. Hence --> friendzoned. Because straight guys don't want to date guys, and they especially don't want to date themselves.

As for me, I tend to end up in this friendzone (I've been outside of it, too, but that's not what this is about). And, like anyone else in that position could tell you, just because he suddenly starts forgetting you're a girl, doesn't mean you forget that he's a guy. No. Instead, you have to watch from the outside, while he hangs out and flirts with another girl, who's sooo cute and funny and girly, and you suddenly feel like some retarded seal, standing on the sidelines. And let's not even talk about when he starts asking you for girl advice (oh sure, then you suddenly have a vagina again), because of this other girl. It sucks. It really does.

I'm not saying that the friendzone for girls is worse than the one for guys. I'm just saying that guys aren't the only ones who get friendzoned. It happens to girls all the time. And it sucks just as bad. Just so you know.

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